Moving forward, AI and ML have the potential to transform how agencies tackle some of their most pressing challenges. The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Silicon Valley Office of Science & Technology Directorate is one such agency, presently working with the larger innovation community to apply emerging technologies to specific DHS use cases. 

Perspectives on AI

On May 7,  I joined government and industry experts for a virtual panel discussion to highlight lessons learned and share different perspectives on AI focusing on how to advance innovation and increase mission efficiency.

The webcast served as the first in a three-part series from WWT and NVIDIA on the topic of AI in Action, with the first installment focusing on accelerating innovation and exploring new technologies. 

All panelists included:

Webcast panelists: Nate Ashton, Managing Director of Technology at DCode; Melissa Oh, Managing Director, Silicon Valley Innovation Program, Science & Technology Directorate, Department of Homeland Security; Jamie Milne, Senior Engagement Manager at WWT; Anthony Robbins, Vice President, Federal at Nvidia

The webcast takes a closer look at why DHS is pursuing AI technology and the need to apply it to three key security areas:

  • Border Security – Applying AI to securing the U.S. border and facilitating more effective immigration processes.
  • Cyber Security – Applying AI to securing the U.S. cyber domain and network infrastructure.
  • Domestic Security – Applying AI to resilience and emergency preparedness in protecting critical infrastructure and vulnerable populations across the country.

Just as AI can be used to increase agency efficiency and analytics power, it can also be misused by our adversaries to undermine the mission. This overarching concern applies as much to DHS as it does every federal agency and government entity. Many existing federal agency systems, practices, and programs may very well need to be replaced or augmented to ensure AI technologies can satisfy civil liberties and privacy concerns.

Stream the virtual panel in its entirety. We also invite you to join WWT for the remainder of this series in the weeks ahead.

Register here for the second installment of this series: AI in Action: Reliable and Responsible Systems for Mission Solutions, Wednesday, May 27 at 3:00 PM, featuring WWT's Chief Technology Advisor for Public Sector Rick Piña.

Register here for the third installment of this series: AI in Action: Enhancing Access and Efficiency Alongside Security, Tuesday, June 30 at 3:00 PM, featuring WWT's Chief Technology Advisor Vimesh Patel.