This article was written by Josh Hilliker, Senior Cloud Solutions Architect in Data Center Sales at Intel. 

Traditional data center systems and software were never designed to handle the complexity of cloud-scale, microservices architectures. As organizations grow, configuring, provisioning, and managing systems becomes increasingly challenging, if not impossible, to monitor and service at scale. This challenge has held back businesses from realizing their full potential.

Containers are revolutionizing this landscape, and Portworx by Pure Storage is at the forefront, enabling containers for mission-critical data services. Portworx, a Kubernetes data service platform developed by Pure Storage, allows users to run mission-critical applications in containers, with built-in high availability, data protection, data security, and hybrid-cloud mobility.

The Value of Containers

To understand the significance of Portworx for modern enterprises, let's first review containerized applications. Containerization packages applications and their dependencies into lightweight, portable units known as containers. These containers operate independently of the underlying hardware or architecture, ensuring seamless execution across different environments. The beauty of containerization lies in its ability to maximize the underlying resources.

How Kubernetes Simplifies Container Management

As a container orchestration platform, Kubernetes is the genius behind the scenes. It automatically manages, creates, and orchestrates multiple containers across numerous hosts. Kubernetes optimally allocates resources and dynamically balances workloads, maximizing overall resource utilization.

Accelerating Modern Data Management - Intel, WWT and Portworx

Intel, World Wide Technology (WWT), and Portworx deliver breakthrough performance to answer enterprises' demands for containerized (Kubernetes) applications in production. Portworx's collaboration with Intel provides a reference architecture that delivers blazing-fast performance for stateful services running in containers. Using Intel Xeon processors, Portworx provides customers with the performance and reliability they need to run their Kubernetes applications in production. The technology enhances the performance of Pure Storage's solutions. This partnership empowers enterprises to accelerate their digital transformation efforts.

WWT plays a crucial role by helping organizations adopt and manage Kubernetes, providing expertise from planning and deployment to ongoing support. This managed Kubernetes service provides customers with a fully managed Kubernetes environment, so they can focus on developing and deploying their applications.

Together, we offer everything needed to run Kubernetes applications in production:

  • Expertise: WWT helps organizations adopt and manage Kubernetes, providing guidance and support throughout the process.
  • Performance: Intel's high-performance processors and memory ensure that Kubernetes applications meet their performance requirements.
  • Reliability: Portworx's Kubernetes data platform guarantees high availability, scalability, and security for stateful containerized applications.

The partnership between Portworx, Intel, and WWT represents a significant leap forward in data management. As enterprises increasingly adopt container architectures for mission-critical databases, this collaboration paves the way for faster, more efficient, and more secure modern applications. Together, we are addressing the challenges of managing cloud-scale, microservices architectures, and simplifying the path to digital transformation.

Visit WWT's Advanced Technology Center to discover how Portworx can benefit your business. If you're interested in learning more and signing up for a free trial, go to Portworx.


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