Article written by Kaladhar Voruganti , Sr Business Development Technologist, Equinix & Jon Duren, Global Solutions & Architecture - Practice Manager, WWT.

In this dynamic business landscape driven by digital transformation, enterprises must rethink their IT strategy, cloud and artificial intelligence (AI) journeys. AI adoption is skyrocketing, and generative AI tools like ChatGPT are seeing significant growth. These transformative technologies are reshaping business operations, improving productivity and powering innovation to enhance strategic value across industries.

A strong foundation for limitless AI possibilities

Unlocking the maximum potential of AI for your business is like building a skyscraper — you need a strong foundation to touch great heights. Additionally, each stage demands careful planning, impeccable execution, and continual learning and improvement.

Since data fuels AI, data hygiene and an understanding of your data landscape are critical to your AI-ready infrastructure. Knowing your data collection points and regulatory requirements can help you to design effective AI architecture that meets your security, privacy and compliance needs. AI deployments demand powerful compute, often requiring more robust, high-performance hardware and IT infrastructure. To make it all work seamlessly and effectively, you need data centers designed to provide increased power, cooling and connectivity.

Harnessing the power of AI is not about a single technology or a one-size-fits-all solution. You need a foundational infrastructure backed by unique services, solutions and expertise tailored to your business processes, operations and objectives. With the combined strengths of Equinix, World Wide Technology (WWT) and NVIDIA, you can quickly create, adopt and scale such AI-ready digital infrastructures across the globe. Together, we can help you spark innovation and drive business impact while offering unparalleled flexibility to future-proof your AI.

Growth backed by privacy, performance and increased data control

At their core, AI projects are data projects, and ensuring fast data access with secure connectivity should be the primary objective. Data has gravity and can be difficult to move. With increasingly distributed data pools, it's important to ensure that the relevant data is accessible to all your key stakeholders — users, customers, business partners, etc. Consider bringing your AI to your data wherever possible, shifting focus to the locations with the greatest amount of data exchange. This enables low latency and processing closer to the edge to meet global and regional requirements. 

With more than a decade of helping clients drive real AI transformation, WWT understands that AI projects enabling business transformation with the highest impact and ROI most often involve an organization's core intellectual property and proprietary data, which must be carefully managed and protected. The partnership between WWT and Equinix ensures that clients' privacy and compliance concerns are effectively addressed, resulting in unmatched performance in their business outcomes.

Equinix's data centers are AI-ready to support your ideal data foundations, align with your existing points of data aggregation, and enable data privacy on a global scale. With over 472,000 global interconnections, many of your data flows probably go through Equinix today — from your network service providers (NSPs) to your apps, all interacting in your various cloud environments. Furthermore, our 260+ data centers in 72 major global metros allow you to keep your infrastructure in the same area where your data originates. You can create hubs of data to meet regional- and country-specific compliance regulations — while maintaining data privacy and model lineage control.

Rapid scaling to fast-track innovation

Beyond wrangling data architectures and complexity, AI's technical requirements are underpinning IT transformation in many organizations, demanding high-performance architecture (HPA) to manage data-intensive AI workloads at scale. WWT's AI Proving Ground, a unique lab environment connected through Equinix, can accelerate your ability to learn about, test, train and implement AI solutions while minimizing the frictions and uncertainties of deployment and integration.

With industry-leading AI experts and a blend of multi-OEM infrastructure, software and cloud connectivity, the AI Proving Ground empowers clients to advance beyond the early stages of AI testing and sandboxing with access to leading technologies. 

WWT can also help move you toward business outcomes faster by going beyond theoretical experimentation to building AI with your real data in Equinix. Equinix Private AI with NVIDIA DGX allows you to access the full stack of NVIDIA AI supercomputing and software, paired with the operational efficiency of Equinix Managed Services and interconnections worldwide. Within minutes, you can access an entire stack of NVIDIA resources on Equinix infrastructure and support virtually every aspect of AI, from data center training and inference to full-scale deployment at the edge.

Keep up with the rapid pace of innovation without needing to build your own new data centers or retrofit existing ones to meet increased AI workload demands. Count on us for certified AI expertise and AI-ready data centers that eliminate hurdles you might face in your own data center. It can be difficult, time-consuming and costly to transform your data center to ensure reliable access to power and renewable energy coverage — and to support high-powered racks with advanced, resource-efficient cooling, including direct-to-chip liquid cooling. Instead, utilize ready-to-run infrastructure at Equinix and focus on driving AI value rather than infrastructure upgrades. Rely on us to remove the cost variability of AI workloads, creating a fixed, predictable cost model that you can build your business around.

With access to industry-leading organizations and their solutions — a proven AI development platform from NVIDIA, data center and managed services from Equinix, and comprehensive AI expertise from WWT — you can rapidly prototype and validate your AI vision, even in the early stages of your journey.

Flexibility and agility to future-proof AI

If you want to remain competitive while charting the future of AI, your efforts and investments today must create a strong foundational digital infrastructure to accelerate innovation long into the future.

Equinix's cloud-neutral infrastructure offers maximum flexibility as you determine your AI strategy and choose between public and private AI, ensuring that your data is easily accessible almost anywhere. NVIDIA AI Enterprise, an end-to-end software platform for development and deployment of production-grade generative AI applications, is included in the private AI infrastructure at Equinix.

As you deploy AI models and inferencing workloads, it is equally critical to ensure that you have high-speed and private access to necessary external data sources. Equinix Fabric® offers seamless access across clouds, data brokers, partners and streaming devices from the edge.

Along with agility to enable data sharing and cross-platform innovation, you also need the right foundation and architecture equipped for appropriate data handling. Data privacy and compliance requirements are increasingly warranting organizations to process data in the country of origin for data residency reasons. With Equinix's global footprint, you can assure data governance today and in the future, all while maintaining a single global deployment model. 

As data models grow larger and more complex, the fundamental infrastructure demands for AI-ready data centers will only grow. Server racks will become even more power-intensive, requiring advanced liquid cooling, proactive strategies to optimize power, and access to in-demand renewable energy sources. At Equinix, you benefit from state-of-the-art, AI-ready data centers spanning 72 metros across the globe to help you deploy and manage next-generation AI infrastructure. We enable you to test and experience newer hardware without necessitating massive replacements and upgrades of your own gear. We can also support your decarbonization goals. In 2023, more than 90 percent of our sites had 100 percent renewable energy coverage (239 data centers), and we remain relentlessly committed to achieving 100 percent renewable energy coverage globally by 2030.

Your partners in transformative AI — today and tomorrow

Like the first connections to the internet, AI has become an inflection point — disrupting traditional models and fundamentally transforming business. To win in the future, you need to establish the right AI foundations quickly and efficiently. With expertise from WWT, data center and managed services from Equinix, and enterprise AI performance from NVIDIA, you can leverage AI to achieve bold business ambitions today. Be ready to ace the AI game and explore the possibilities of an exciting digital future. Find out how Equinix is partnering with WWT and NVIDIA to offer ready-to-run AI with secure connectivity and increased data control customized for your business needs.

Discover how Equinix, NVIDIA, and WWT are transforming AI development and deploymentContact a WWT Expert
