In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the demand for real-time data processing and analytics at the edge has never been more critical. Whether it's a bustling restaurant chain, a sprawling amusement park, or a manufacturing plant, the need to harness and act upon data locally is paramount. Enter WWT's Edge Enablement Platform (EEP), a cutting-edge solution designed to bring high-performance computing and AI-driven insights directly to the edge, revolutionizing how businesses operate at scale.

Understanding the challenge

Imagine a large-scale organization, like a fictional restaurant chain, with multiple regions, sites, and sub-locations such as dining areas and kitchens. These sites generate massive amounts of data, particularly through camera streams, point-of-sale (POS) systems, and sensors, which need to be processed for insights—whether it's for enhancing customer service, ensuring safety, or optimizing operations.

Traditionally, these camera streams and other data sources would be sent to the cloud, where AI algorithms would process the data and generate insights. However, this approach presents significant challenges. Many locations, especially those in rural areas, struggle with bandwidth limitations, making it impractical to send large volumes of data to the cloud. Moreover, latency issues and the high cost of bandwidth add further complications.

A futuristic restaurant scene with AI-powered computer vision in action, showing a modern, stylish interior. The image should include visible cameras capturing the area with visual indicators like holographic bounding boxes around objects (people, tables, food) that suggest AI algorithms are processing the scene. The atmosphere should feel advanced and high-tech, with digital overlays or floating holograms, but without any words or text.

Embracing a hybrid cloud to edge model

To address these challenges, organizations are increasingly adopting a hybrid model that combines the strengths of both edge computing and cloud processing. In this model, compute and AI inferencing are moved closer to the data source—at the edge—while still leveraging the cloud for centralized analytics and broader insights. This approach enables real-time processing and decision-making, reducing the need for constant cloud communication while maintaining the ability to scale and analyze data across a distributed network.

This hybrid model is beneficial across a wide range of industries. For instance, in Media, Entertainment, and Gaming (MEG), real-time analytics and decision-making are crucial for audience engagement and operational efficiency. Similarly, in manufacturing, precise and timely data processing is critical for quality control and predictive maintenance. However, the advantages of this hybrid approach extend to any industry where real-time data processing and operational efficiency are paramount.

What is the Edge Enablement Platform?

The Edge Enablement Platform (EEP) is a robust middleware solution designed to seamlessly deploy and manage AI algorithms at the edge, enabling real-time data processing and analytics. Unlike traditional systems, EEP is not just about the use cases or specific AI algorithms; it's about providing a secure, scalable platform that facilitates the deployment, configuration, and management of these algorithms across a distributed network of edge devices.

Built on AWS services

The EEP is built on top of AWS services, leveraging the powerful cloud infrastructure provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Through WWT's Strategic Collaboration Agreement (SCA) with AWS, the platform benefits from enhanced capabilities in generative AI, AI at the edge, and cloud integration. This partnership allows WWT to deliver cutting-edge solutions that are both scalable and highly reliable, ensuring that businesses can keep pace with their growing data and analytics needs.

Leverage NVIDIA Jetson, WWT Edge in a Box and AI Proving Ground

In addition to its cloud capabilities, the EEP uses the  NVIDIA Jetson platform for AI inferencing at the edge to enable efficient processing of data locally. This flexibility extends to the integration of other WWT Edge in a Box systems powered with NVIDIA GPUs, offering scalable and simplified edge computing infrastructure that can be tailored to meet the unique demands of various business environments.

To further optimize and test these AI and edge solutions, businesses can leverage WWT's AI Proving Ground. This advanced facility allows organizations to validate their AI models and edge deployments in a controlled environment before rolling them out at scale. By using the AI Proving Ground, companies can ensure that their AI and edge strategies are robust, scalable, and ready to meet real-world demands.

EEP allows businesses to:

  • Deploy AI Algorithms at Scale: Easily push AI workloads to edge servers at multiple locations, ensuring that each site operates independently while still contributing to a centralized analytics platform.
  • Manage Configurations Remotely: Securely update and configure edge devices from the cloud, allowing for real-time adjustments to the AI algorithms based on changing business needs.
  • Ensure Secure Data Pipelines: Establish bi-directional communication between the edge and the cloud, ensuring that data flows securely and efficiently, whether for real-time processing or batch uploads.

A glimpse into the platform in action

To demonstrate the capabilities of EEP, let's consider a proof-of-concept scenario with "WWT Wings and Things," a fictional restaurant chain. The platform's user interface provides a hierarchical digital twin of the organization, showing regions, sites, and specific areas within each site.

Through the platform, users can monitor real-time events triggered by AI algorithms deployed at the edge. For example, a finger-counting algorithm might be used to track customer interactions at various locations. The system allows users to drill down into specific events, view video evidence, and analyze the data by location, providing valuable insights into operations.

One of the key features of EEP is its ability to customize AI deployments based on location-specific needs. Different areas within a site, such as the kitchen or dining area, may require different algorithms. EEP enables users to assign specific configurations to each camera stream, ensuring that the right data is captured and processed in the right context.

Real-time configuration and updates

The platform's power lies in its ability to manage edge devices remotely. For instance, if an update is needed, such as changing the finger-count trigger from six to four, the platform allows this to be done seamlessly from the cloud. The new configuration is securely communicated to the edge device, which updates in real time, ensuring minimal disruption to operations.

This real-time communication is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and accuracy of AI workloads at the edge, particularly in environments where operations are constantly evolving.


WWT's Edge Enablement Platform is more than just a technological solution; it's a strategic enabler for businesses looking to leverage the power of edge computing. By providing a scalable, secure, and flexible platform, WWT empowers organizations to harness real-time data processing, drive operational efficiencies, and unlock new insights—all at the edge.

As businesses continue to expand and the demand for real-time data grows, WWT's Edge Enablement Platform, built on AWS services and powered by NVIDIA Jetson, will be at the forefront, driving innovation and helping organizations stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Ready to see the Edge Enablement Platform in action? Request a demo or workshop today and discover how WWT can transform your edge computing strategy.

Come see the solution live at Disney Data & Analytics Conference (DDAC 2024)
