EMC solution showcased in ATC proof-of-concept
After successfully executing multiple supply chain operations for a large financial institution, WWT was approached to design a three-phase data center consolidation and infrastructure transformation.
The customer had recently taken back control of operations from a service provider and needed WWT to work directly with EMC, oversee the staging of hardware and identify the best value among bundled products in regard to leasing and maintenance terms.
To provide the most value to the customer, WWT needed to execute an accelerated schedule to help the customer fulfill lease obligations, maintenance terms, deployment staging and migration plans. We leveraged our top tier relationship with EMC, and together were able to quickly apply all applicable vendor credits to more than 20 configurations.
WWT validated the solution through a proof of concept (POC) in the Advanced Technology Center (ATC), demos and an executive briefing. WWT was able to show the EMC Data Protection Suite would make it possible to quickly consolidate the number of data domains by nearly 75 percent. This led to a WWT hosted backup recovery workshop highlighting the upside of object storage, tape replacement, archival and migration.
WWT highlighted the economic impact of an accelerated deployment based on data collection and past performance.
Currently in the first phase of deployment, WWT has already freed up space in the data center holding area by receiving and staging the EMC Avamar and DataDomain hardware in our North American Integration Center in St. Louis.
In addition, the customer has begun optimizing their maintenance support coverage. These investments broadened opportunities for the customer to expand into compute, software and big data opportunities within their existing network.