Custom Software Development

Custom Software Development

Businesses have several choices when they identify a problem technology can solve.

They can purchase a commercial off-the-shelf solution; download a free and open-source product; license software-as-a-service from a cloud provider; or build a custom solution.

When other solutions fail to meet your business needs, custom software can fill the gap. If developed using agile processes, custom software can also help minimize risk while maximizing speed-to-viability and ROI.

  • Add new features to an existing application.
  • Create a solution for a specific user community when no off-the-shelf options exist.
  • Rewrite/update applications written in an old technology with modern software tooling and technique.
  • Ensure applications written in old code are supported.
  • Find qualified people to maintain your codebase.
  • Integrate multiple tools and technologies into a single turnkey solution.
  • Own your solution's IP.
  • Avoid being tied to a specific vendor.

Our approach

Our process is designed to deliver value early and often

We are an agile development shop. That means our customers have full control over their software investments and enjoy the ability to pivot in new directions as conditions change.

Our approach is grounded in delivering value immediately and listening to customer feedback. This approach, rooted in deep collaboration, builds trust through the continuous delivery working software.

Whether developing a quick mobile app or migrating an entire suite of services to the cloud, Application Services is the best choice for harnessing the full value of true agile development. In our two decades of developing world-class agile software solutions, highest priority remains the same. Delivering customer delight.

How We Work

We believe great software has the ability to change people's lives. It's what drives us as a custom application design and development company to identify business needs, approach problems in new ways and create software that makes an impact.

Plan: Constant customer collaboration with a strong focus on product ownership is core to our development approach. Planning ensures our delivery team has a prioritized and refined backlog that focuses on the work most valuable to you.

Design: Our UX team applies human-centered design principles and Lean UX testing cycles to validate assumptions with users. This approach minimizes cost and risk while delivering empowering and innovative user experiences.

Build: Best practices ensure we develop your software the right way. Through weekly acceptance testing, customers validate the latest software build to ensure it meets their expectations. The emerging solution then evolves and improves as we incorporate this feedback into the next iteration.

Deploy: Our DevOps practitioners work in a dual delivery and upskilling model to grow customers' internal technical capabilities and their knowledge of DevOps principles, practices and technologies.

Manage: Through an ongoing cycle of team learning and customer feedback, your solution gets better over time. Instead of merely mitigating the risk of change, we leverage the unforeseen to create solutions that are better than what could have been envisioned at the start of the project.

Supported technologies

Application Services supports a wide variety of technologies, including:

  • iOS (Swift and Objective-C)
  • Android (Java and Kotlin)
  • Flutter
  • JavaScript, using framework such as
    • React/React Native
    • Angular
  • .Net with C#
  • Java

This list is not exhaustive, as technology is a constantly moving target. If you need help with a different technology, we can likely assist!