

DevOps is a combination of cultural philosophies, methodologies, infrastructure and tools aimed at improving an organization's ability to deliver applications and services with greater efficiency and agility.

Widespread DevOps adoption is being driven by many factors, including the push to digitize and automate business processes, the ubiquity of cloud technology, the surging adoption of agile frameworks, and the ongoing need for better collaboration between IT teams.


  • Optimize organizational structure, enhance productivity and streamline service delivery
  • Increase deployment frequency
  • Reduce time to market and lead time for changes
  • Streamline workflows
  • Deliver better quality software
  • Reduce the failure rate of new releases
  • Achieve shorter mean times to recovery
  • Minimize costs associated with software development, delivery and operability

Why WWT for DevOps?

WWT is the unique partner who can offer infrastructure design, deployment automation and software consulting services — all under one roof. Our DevOps experts can help your infrastructure, development and operations teams adopt sustainable DevOps capabilities that enable the delivery of new services with speed, stability and availability.

Our Advanced Technology Center (ATC) allows clients to test and validate DevOps solutions in a safe and scalable environment. Once validated, WWT's DevOps practitioners assist clients in the adoption of proven DevOps methodologies and solutions that have been linked to high-performing teams and successful market disruption.

Our approach

WWT practitioners can deliver a wide range of DevOps process and tooling services. Working collaboratively across the full software development lifecycle, we can enhance the productivity of both Application and Infrastructure professionals while aligning to key business needs. The goal of our simple and consistent approach is to share what's been proven to work in the industry, then develop and deploy a plan to get your business from where it is today to where it needs to be tomorrow.

  1. Perspective: Based on our many years of delivering value to customers, WWT will provide a validated opinion on the best way for your organization to practice DevOps. We gather high-level information about your company in this phase to ensure we drive real value going forward.
  2. Strategy: We work directly with your teams, training them on DevOps principles, processes and methodologies that include platforms, pipelines, security and agile development. In this phase, we dive deeper into building a solid understanding of your "current state" — for both your benefit and ours. A solid understanding of business needs and goals is essential.
  3. Execution: Based on the information discovered in the first two phases, our practitioners will help implement all recommended DevOps solutions with your teams. Importantly, they'll help upskill and mentor your people in the process.
  4. Optimization: WWT has numerous capabilities and offerings focused around fine-tuning DevOps within an organization, including staffing, application transformation and development. Wherever you are in your DevOps journey, we can help.

Tailored options

Through DevOps-specific consulting, workshops and a self-assessment, we help customers build out their DevOps capabilities by focusing our tailored support where it's needed most.

  1. Development focus: A software-focused DevOps engagement concentrates on helping your development teams build out a DevOps process through automated software delivery pipelines. We'll work with your dev teams to configure and onboard applications into a delivery pipeline that follows a common path from development to production. Once these services are established, we'll show your dev teams how infrastructure automation and container platforms can help them rapidly create and deliver new services and applications.
  2. Infrastructure focus: An infrastructure-focused DevOps engagement concentrates on the culture, processes and technical practices needed to improve infrastructure delivery capabilities in your existing environment. By instilling a mindset of DevOps culture, process improvement and technical alignment, WWT can help drive business outcomes by improving the processes you use to develop, deliver and operate software and platforms. By helping your infrastructure teams discover how to build infrastructure that supports next-gen technology, we can help prepare your business to respond to the ever-changing needs of today's volatile markets.
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