TEC37 Security Series E04: Security Strategy: Adopting Agile Principles in Cybersecurity
Event Overview
Many CISOs struggle with where to begin when adopting agile principles within cybersecurity. We will discuss four recommendations to jumpstart adoption. WWT Global executive leaders Chris Konrad, Kent Noyes and John Evans join host Robb Boyd to discuss the key ways in which adopting an agile workflow for cybersecurity can lead to a more efficient environment through process consistency, enhanced project visibility and team collaboration across the business.
What to expect
- More efficient environment
- Process consistency
- Enhanced project visibility
- Team collaboration across the business
Goals and Objectives
Successful adoption can require many steps before an organization achieves an agile cybersecurity framework at scale, and it will most likely look different depending on your organization’s size and industry. The recommendations WWT will highlight will enable any organizations to begin building agile into their program.
Who should attend?
This event is most relevant to Managing Directors, Executive Directors, CISO, CSO and Information Security personnel.