
Public Sector Tech Talk E01: Make a New World Happen

Event Overview

The Public Sector Tech Talk series provides an opportunity for industry executives and subject matter experts to discuss a thought leadership-related topic with the goal of educating the audience on a specific technology area. Join us for the launch and kick-off event of the series! WWT's Bryan Thomas - Senior Vice President and Rick Pina - Chief Technology Advisor will offer insights into how WWT’s partners, customers and employees are helping to make a new world happen in the public sector.

What to expect

During this event, our experts will provide an overview of the Public Sector Tech Talk series and future focus areas. They will also cover:
  • How WWT customers, partners and employees are working to make a new world happen
  • The requirements for community engagement and innovation in the public sector

Goals and Objectives

After attending, you will understand the foundation for the Public Sector Tech Talk series including the four key technology pillars that will serve as the running narrative for this program – multicloud, security transformation, data analytics/AI and workforce collaboration. We hope you leave excited for the series and tune into future events!

Who should attend?

This event is most relevant to public sector IT professionals looking to learn about emerging technologies and drivers shaping the future of government. This series is geared towards those that are developing and executing solutions that address the unique challenges faced by government and education institutions.