Public Sector Tech Talk E05: Adopting Zero Trust in Support of the Cyber Executive Order
Event Overview
The Biden Administration’s Cyber Executive Order (EO), officially released on May 12, lays out a multi-pronged approach on how to fortify federal agency cybersecurity efforts and mitigate the large-scale, damaging attacks felt across the country. The Cyber EO provides direction, now it’s up to each agency to develop a cohesive strategy. Zero Trust is a concept highlighted in the EO and one that will need to be part of any agency strategy, but is there a consensus on what this means or how to achieve it? In this Public Sector Tech Talk, WWT and F5 will discuss how federal agencies need to move away from traditional network perimeter defense tactics to a perimeter-less data environment that uses identity and authentication tools as the primary means of access in a centralized, controlled Zero Trust framework.
Featured Speakers
What to expect
- The agency journey to Zero Trust
- Why Zero Trust is critically important for agencies now and why identity access, isolation and endpoint protection are key
- What agencies can do now to strengthen their security posture while moving to a more comprehensive Zero Trust strategy
Goals and Objectives
After viewing this episode, you will have a better understanding of how a Zero Trust approach to security will help strengthen the federal government’s cyber posture as well as the importance of focusing on the four key control points within a Zero Trust architecture.
Who should attend?
Public sector IT professionals looking to learn about emerging technologies and drivers shaping the future of government. This series is geared towards those that are developing and executing solutions that address the unique challenges faced by government agencies. In this case, a focus on Zero Trust.