TEC37 Data Center Series E06: Data Insights: How to Make Accelerated Data Driven Decisions
Event Overview
Organizations are faced with massive amounts of data but lack holistic visibility into their environments. This can make decision making a time consuming and painful process. Assessing the data center infrastructure allows organizations to quickly understand details of the current environment for the purposes of optimizing their infrastructure and improving the bottom line. Tune into this TEC37 as our experts discuss how to gain visibility into your environment and the benefits you’ll realize from the improved visibility.
What to expect
- How to gain deeper insight into your current environment
- How to use this information to optimize your data center environment
- How optimizing your environment leads to more informed business decisions
- Show how to quantify the technical improvements and financial savings a modern DC approach can deliver back to the business
Goals and Objectives
Attendees will leave this session knowing how to gain deeper insight into their environment and how to optimize infrastructure spend to maximize bottom line impact.
Who should attend?
Enterprise Architect, Storage Manager/Architect, Director of Infrastructure, VP of Infrastructure, Storage/Backup Engineers, Director of Storage, CIO/CTO