Optical Transport - Build vs. Buy

Event Overview

Service providers have a lot of experience working with these technologies and offer relatively reliable services at a variety of speeds; however, by privatizing the Transport Network, companies can realize the numerous benefits mentioned above. The key to deciding whether to buy your transport or whether to build your own is really based on the needs of an organization. Fear of unknown technologies can be easily overcome by partnering with experienced solution providers like WWT. Join us to learn more about what is right for your organization.

What to expect

Expect to dive in and ask the real questions like:
  • Are others already doing this?
  • Is this the right solution for everybody?
  • How do we continue the conversation specific to our organization?

Goals and Objectives

The goal of this session is to present factors that contribute to the selection of transport services. We will share other customers experiences and provide some details on how they built private optical networks to best serve their needs.

Who should attend?

Any organization who is still buying dedicated point to point 10G+ services to connect campuses that are located in a metropolitan region.