Inside the ATC on Dell Primary Storage

Event Overview

As Dell’s first-ever Titanium Black partner, World Wide Technology (WWT) has more than 25 years of expertise in designing, testing, and delivering best-in-class integrated solutions that accelerate IT optimization and drive business forward for customers. Dell is the world’s largest provider of enterprise storage with solutions spanning enterprise flash, scale-out, object storage, data protection and recovery. WWT’s Advanced Technology Center (ATC) is proud to support the latest in Dell Technologies storage platform. Join WWT’s industry experts as they highlight the value of its longstanding partnership with Dell and provide a high-level overview of Dell Primary Storage.

What to expect

Join us to learn about and experience the latest updates in the Dell primary storage platforms. Experience what's new in the ATC and what we have just around the corner. Platforms covered:
  • PowerMax 10 (2500/8500)
  • PowerStore 3.0
  • PowerFlex (4.0)
  • Project Alpine

Goals and Objectives

This session is designed to education you on WWT’s latest Dell storage capabilities, services, and environments in the ATC, including the emerging environments and use cases that WWT Solutions Architects have been developing.

Who should attend?

This event is open to anyone looking to advance their business with the latest Dell storage technology products and solutions, but most relevant for primary storage engineers, data center architects and data center directors.