Go Big or Go Home: How to Pack More Features Into Existing Network Architectures | TEC37

Event Overview

Network traffic is growing more complex each and every day as hybrid and remote work continues to be the norm. That‘s putting traditional network architectures in a state of major upheaval after decades of relative stagnation. Wi-Fi, secure access service edge (SASE), private wireless — options for connectivity keep growing. This includes transport networks, which are evolving to deliver new services and user experiences. Join WWT technical solution architects Joshua Hogan and Tyler Tappy as they discuss the important details of implementing a converged transport network, which takes the long-reach optical technology typically found in standalone optical networks and consolidates it into a compact, high-performance router. Joshua and Tyler also cover key steps to putting a converged transport network into action.

Robb Boyd


Chief Nerd

Robb Boyd is the Producer and Host for WWT's TEC37. Robb created the TechWiseTV video series for Cisco producing, hosting and guiding his audience ...
Joshua Hogan

World Wide Technology

Technical Solutions Architect - MPLS / Segment Routing

Joshua Hogan provides Core Networking expertise to WWT, with a focus on IP routing technologies such as MPLS and Segment Routing. Joshua spent sev...
Tyler Tappy

World Wide Technology

Technical Solutions Architect - Optical Networking

Tyler specializes in optical networking with a specific focus in service provider networks. His optical experience ranges from architecting, desig...

What to expect

TEC37 is a recurring webinar series that highlights WWT's in-depth research reports that analyze the latest technology and industry trends, featuring guests from WWT's extensive roster of subject matter experts and technologists. Hosted by Robb Boyd, episodes are published exclusively for registered users of the ATC Platform. Registration also grants users free access to our WWT Research reports, 24/7 access to our virtual lab and training environments and vast library of technical and business-oriented content. Use our platform to:
  • Get hands on, on demand experience
  • Capture real-world insights and research
  • Leverage practical and actionable guidance
  • Compare, contrast and validate multi-vendor solutions
  • Think creatively about strategy
  • Tap into our industry-leading expertise and partnerships

Goals and Objectives

Understand the value of a converted transport network and identify best practices to implement at scale.

Who should attend?

Network Architects, Network Operators, Network Engineers, Sales Engineers, Account Managers