Copy and Paste within the Lab Gateway
Copy/Paste from your host system to a system in the ATC through the ATC Lab Gateway is possible with several restrictions.
Supported Protocols
Target systems can support copy/paste when accessing through rdp, ssh, and telnet. In addition, proxied web pages support copy/pate natively because the page is being loaded directly in your browser.
Unsupported Protocols
VNC and BaaS (Browser as a Service) are not supported when trying to copy/paste.
Setting up your Browser
The ATC Lab Gateway supports copy/paste within Google Chrome. Other browsers are not compatible.
When you first access the Lab Gateway, it will prompt you with a message asking if you want to allow or block copy/paste. The message will be like "See text and images copied to the clipboard". Please click Allow.
If you have clicked Block in the past and want to change your selection, you can click on the pad-lock icon next to the site URL. This will allow you to Reset permissions.
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