K-12 Education

WWT offers customers unsurpassed expertise in providing state-of-the-art IT solutions.

We have an extensive history in providing technology integration, hardware procurement and logistics, systems installation and testing, and program management. Our Professional Services expertise, in combination with 29 years of successful execution of computer IT infrastructure projects and solutions knowledge, makes WWT an ideal partner of choice to provide E-rate Internal Connections support to our clients.

WWT's E-rate Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) is 143020028, and our FEIN Number is 43-1912895. WWT attends USAC Service Provider Training classes annually. WWT also maintains good standing with the FCC as demonstrated via Green Light status in the FCC's Red-Light Display System. 

Visit the USAC/E-rate website or view WWT Contracts to see one of our several K-12 and E-rate purchasing agreements.

Connect with a WWT K-12/E-rate resource.