NEXUS Dashboard, NEXUS Insights and AppDynamics Lab
Solution overview
Previously, NAE, NIR and NIA ran separately on computing as a .ova in vSphere or on the APIC as an application. The architecture never allowed for sharing data between the apps or correlations with errors and telemetry views of packet loss. With the roadmap moving, we had applications and a shared data lake for all applications to draw from and correlate between application errors, changes to the policy and deep flow telemetry, all visual as an epoch. The NEXUS Dashboard (ND) platform allows all the Cisco day 2 apps and third-party applications for these needs. Secondly, the ND has to be an expandable CPU and storage-intensive platform; today, the platform can scale with 3 master nodes and 4 worker nodes with the apps and their data residing on the ND cluster. As ND matures, more ND servers can join the cluster, and they can be separated regionally if within TTL requirements to distribute applications and provide DR strategies.