by Jerene Ang

As part of our series of 22 stories under the overarching theme of #ChooseToChallenge, the team at Human Resources Online has asked more than 60 HR leaders about their organisation's call-to-action in shaping a workforce that celebrates gender equity.

In this 11th part of our series, HR leaders from Criteo, Docupace, General Assembly, Okta, REDHILL, and WWT, tell us more.


Ang Sze Pheng, HR Director for APJ, WWT

The workforce in STEM industry has remained predominantly male and I think this gender imbalance demonstrates where gender stereotyping still exists.

In my view, tackling gender stereotyping begins at a very young age and it takes a generation or more to change the mindset.

As a mother of two girls, it is of paramount importance to me that they grow up believing in their own capabilities and feel empowered to achieve whatever they may set their sights on. I see this as my responsibility to help them succeed as best they can and also embrace the core belief that gender and diversity is a positive aspect of the varied world in which we live and work.


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