by Kit Eaton, Inc.

The fate of many jobs as the AI revolution progresses remains very much a he-said, she-said situation. Some predictions say AI will take 10 percent of jobs across the U.S., while other experts say chill out, it's not going to do that. Then too, global bodies like the International Monetary Fund say it's already started to shape the global labor market.

Now Jim Kavanaugh, the billionaire CEO of World Wide Technology, an IT services company, has spoken up. In his opinion, the most important thing a company leader can do when addressing the implications of AI tech is just to be honest. Staff really are "too smart" to think AI isn't a threat to their jobs or how they do their work, Kavanaugh told CNBC.

Kavanaugh spoke very directly about how company leaders should get real about AI. "If you think you're going to try to game this, and that you're going to tell employees nothing's going to change, and everything's going to be fine," he say, then that's "just BS." Bringing AI into the workplace means "there's going to be all kinds of changes," Kavanaugh explained.


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