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In the ATC
Level up your skills with on-demand learning labs that focus on the latest tech advancement.
Hands On: Network automation collection
Automated Change Control Validation Lab
Many organizations are requiring vast amounts of data to be collected before and after each approved change window, but many of the engineers working for these organizations are struggling with how to get started capturing and comparing device state programmatically. In this lab you will be using MinIO, Ansible and pyATS to capture and validate pre- and post-change data from Cisco routers.
Foundations Lab
• 153 launches
Hands On: ADC automation collection
F5 Terraform Automation Lab
Welcome to WWT's F5 Terraform Automation Lab.
The intended goal of this lab is to introduce and enable F5 administrators to utilize Terraform to automate, simplify and streamline the deployment of F5 services.
Foundations Lab
• 984 launches
Storage automation learning labs
Pure Ansible Automation Lab
If you are familiar with Ansible and want to learn how to use Ansible with the Pure Storage FlashArray, continue on with this lab that demonstrates how to simplify automation of a Pure Storage FlashArray.
*** If you are a Storage admin, new to automation, and want to learn how to automate your Pure Storage environment using Ansible, check out this lab instead that teaches the basics of Ansible from a storage admin point of view.- "Ansible Automation Workshop - Pure Ansible Lab" (https://www.wwt.com/lab/ansible-automation-workshop-pure-ansible-lab)
Advanced Configuration Lab
1004 launches
Dell EMC PowerStore Ansible Lab: Managing Your Array With Ansible Playbooks
Welcome to WWT's introduction to Ansible automation for the Dell PowerStore storage platform. In this lab, you will learn the basics of how to automate fundamental Dell EMC PowerStore storage array administrative tasks utilizing Ansible. This lab is estimated to take under 1 hour to complete. The intended lab audience is a systems engineer with a basic understanding of PowerStore and Ansible components.
Advanced Configuration Lab
203 launches
NetApp Ansible Automation Lab
Learn to automate NetApp ONTAP using Ansible. This lab provides an overview of GIT and Ansible to understand how they work together to simplify the automation of NetApp storage solutions.
Advanced Configuration Lab
874 launches
HPE Nimble Automation Lab
This lab enables a student to become familiar with the Ansible modules for HPE Nimble and experiment with configuration management and automation.
Advanced Configuration Lab
61 launches
All infrastructure automation labs
Modern Application Delivery Lab
This lab is an experience of an organization who aspires for digital transformation but fails to realize the technical quality and performance required to fulfill an innovative business objective. We'll walk through a scenario of a time-sensitive business strategy, common issues encountered during development and operations of a custom technology platform, then apply procedural adaptations which increase efficiency, security, and reliability for the technical foundation of the business solution.
Guided Demonstration Lab
378 launches
Ansible Automation Workshop - Cisco Ansible Lab
In today's complex and fast-paced IT landscape, the need for automation has never been greater. Organizations of all sizes are looking for solutions that can streamline their operations, enhance efficiency, and reduce errors. Ansible stands
out as a powerful automation tool, hitting the mark on several key points that make it an ideal choice for teams of all backgrounds and expertise levels.
Foundations Lab
353 launches
Infrastructure as Code Fundamentals with Terraform and GCP
Learn how to use Terraform to build and manage Google Cloud Platform infrastructure through code.
Foundations Lab
156 launches
F5 Terraform Automation Lab
Welcome to WWT's F5 Terraform Automation Lab.
The intended goal of this lab is to introduce and enable F5 administrators to utilize Terraform to automate, simplify and streamline the deployment of F5 services.
Foundations Lab
984 launches