November 11, 2021
RTP Programmability and Automation Meetup: Traffic Jam
Have you ever mocked up a lab environment and needed a router that doesn't require a license or a lot of time to set up?
At WWT, our tool of choice is Traffic Jam! The idea of Traffic Jam was initially conceived back in 2015 as SD-WAN was heating up, and customers were coming to WWT's Advanced Technology Center (ATC) to perform evaluations of SD-WAN. Because of the number of SD-WAN tests, we needed a tool that we could quickly spin up to act as the service provider to the SD-WAN devices and perform impairments on the WAN links.
It's been six years since that original idea, and Traffic Jam is still going strong! Over that period, Traffic Jam has gone through many transformations and looks quite different from when it initially hit the scene (it's getting ready to go through another transformation!). You can find it in labs on WWT's platform as well as custom environments running in the ATC. Odds are, if you've interacted with a lab on the platform or performed a POC within the ATC, then Traffic Jam has been there, running in the background.
In this session, Brian Saunders, the lead developer of Traffic Jam, talked about the idea of Traffic Jam, some of the components that make it run, and how it fits within WWT's lab environments. If you're interested in Linux, networking, frrouting, python, or javascript, please check this session out.