Winning in the 5G World

Check out the key takeaways from "Winning in the 5G World," an in-person event hosted by WWT, VMware and Vodafone to tackle some of the greatest challenges and opportunities in the 5G market.

5 key takeaways to win in the 5G world

Service providers know how transformative 5G could be, and yet they continue to face challenges understanding and generating enterprise customer demand, bringing solutions to market quickly, and delivering overall return on investment (ROI). The future lies in service providers' ability to collaborate across the ecosystem and build new skills. 



In this report, we cover the key topics discussed during the event: 

  • Why we are still waiting for 5G's "big bang" moment?
  • Why have service providers been slow to act?
  • What are the key elements of a 5G strategy?

    Download the report!





Report contributors

Danny Kelly, Innovation Director, Vodafone

Michael McGroarty, Business Development Manager, Open vRAN & Private Connectivity, VMware

Daniel Valle, Senior Sales Director, GSP, World Wide Technology