Workshop2 hours

Leading Through Transformation Workshop

We are in an extraordinary time of technology innovation and transformation. Organizations are seeking ways to modernize engineering, move to digital, automate processes and leverage smaller nimble teams with a broader set of skills. In times like these, leadership teams must be follow-worthy or they risk losing employee engagement. 

This interactive workshop helps organizations set the foundation for a successful transformation by empowering leaders to facilitate transition and guide employees through times of change.

What to Expect

During this interactive workshop, WWT's Organizational Change Management (OCM) experts, with over a decade of experience leading technology transformations, work with your leadership team to navigate this new frontier. 

This workshop covers the following:

  • Core capabilities of transformational leadership
  • Lifecycle of an organizational transformation and leading through change
  • Benefits of strong employee engagement
  • Potential risks associated with low employee adoption

Goals & Objectives

Whether an organizational transformation is already up and running or has yet to begin, a strong OCM plan and an aligned Leadership Team are vital to creating sustainable change. 

This workshop is designed so that leadership teams will develop an understanding of critical transformational leadership capabilities for sustainable change. Teams will learn best practices to inspire action and drive engagement for success. 

What is a workshop? 

A workshop is typically a paid engagement, with predefined objectives, that results in the creation of strategic project deliverables: action plan, high-level architectural design, proposal or quote for project implementation. Workshops may be delivered remotely or onsite and last from 2 hours to 5 days.

Who should attend? 

Chief Management Officer


In this workshop, leadership teams will explore the transformation lifecycle and learn about core leadership capabilities and tangible actions they can take in each stage to drive positive change. WWT's OCM experts customize this workshop and guide teams to:

  • Understand the value of an OCM strategy
  • Align on the core capabilities of transformational leadership
  • Identify the lifecycle of a transformation
  • Know the follow-worthy actions in each stage
  • Know how to build a transformation team