WWT All Star Program

WWT's All Star Program is to recognize the employees and suppliers that go above and beyond in providing high quality performance and support to our Supplier Diversity Program.

WWT's All Star Program consists of the following programs:

Diverse Supplier of the Year Program

WWT's Diverse Supplier of the Year initiative recognizes the efforts and investments that our suppliers are making that enable WWT to better serve our customers, partners and community. Diverse Supplier of the Year Program is to provide mentorship, access, raise awareness internally as well as externally, recognition and opportunities for WWT's top diverse supplier.


Diverse Supplier of the Year Program

Diverse partner (MBE or WBE)

Diverse Supplier of the Year Program


Diverse Supplier of the Year Program


Diverse Supplier of the Year Program

Community involvement


  • Greater alignment meeting with WWT Supplier Diversity & Business Development team
  • WWT sponsored mentor
  • Supplier of the Year spotlight in our Supplier Diversity annual report 
  • Invitation to annual NMSDC national event and customer led events and initiatives 
  • Award presented at WWT's global human resources team meeting

Internal Champion of the Year Program

WWT's All Star Program's Internal Champion of the Year award is the Supplier Diversity & Business Development team's effort to recognize WWT employees and teams who have directly contributed to the growth and success of WWT's Supplier Diversity Program.

Internal Champion of the Year Program


Internal Champion of the Year Program


Internal Champion of the Year Program



  • $200 company store gift card 
  • Trophy/plaque presentation at WWT's HR global team meeting 
  • Recognition in annual Supplier Diversity and D&I overviews 
  • Recognition in marketing collateral (i.e., social media, SharePoint)
More about WWT's Supplier Diversity program