CMS and VQ Conference Manager Two Great Things That Go Great Together!
Clients leverage our Advanced Technology Center (ATC) for many different collaboration solutions. In this ATC Insight, we introduce an On-Demand ATC Lab that showcases the features and functionality of Cisco Meeting Server and VQ Conference Manager. This self-guided, full-featured lab is available today on the WWT Platform.
So you ask what is Cisco Meeting Server? Does your business have Cisco Meeting Server? Cisco Meeting Server commonly referred to as CMS, is Cisco's on-premise video collaboration solution. In laymen's terms, think of CMS as your own dedicated WebEx video system. Users can set up and join each other for audio and video conferences. Users can collaborate and share their screens and documents. CMS has been simplified in this release eliminating the desktop application. All meetings are now done through your favorite web browser.
VQ Conference Manager
VQ Email Plugin
Have you heard about the VQ Conference Manager? VQ Communication developed the Conference Manager to unleash the full potential of CMS. VQ CM provides administrators with a single pane of glass management over CMS nodes and clusters. The application can be customized to generate meeting analytics for better insights into how your CMS is best utilized. VQ Conference Manager brings with it feature-rich management, analytics, and additional user-friendly features. Through VQ, users get the ability to schedule, email and join messages with plug-ins for email and Cisco Jabber.
VQ also gives meeting operators the ability to provide a "concierge" service where operators can monitor, mute and add/remove users from a meeting. With a VQ-enabled CMS, it is now possible to schedule and email users to an upcoming meeting. This was not possible with CMS alone.