Every problem has a solution. That's a pretty standard saying. But sometimes the problem seems so big that you don't know what to do. The problem is even worse when it can directly affect our biggest assets, our employees. They're the people we desperately want to see succeed. So let's look at a situation you could easily find yourself in, and the solution that could fix the problem and help your employees succeed.

You just purchased a technology subscription and you need to get your employee base trained, but you also have a limited budget. So the question you ask yourself is, how can I provide impactful training to my employees on a very tight budget? Your first thought: hire some technology expert to come out and train your employees. But let's be honest, we know the cost associated with sending trainers across the world. It isn't cheap. 

So what's something that's going to provide the same type of value of an instructor-led course that's going to help your employee find success at a reduced cost? The answer is an interactive Click and Learn course. And World Wide Technology has a group of training and development experts who can tell you all about them.

What is an Interactive Click and Learn?

An interactive Click and Learn course is a digital form of media that allows for learning through an interactive presentation. Think of it like a PowerPoint, but on steroids. Instead of just clicking next, next, next, the learner is clicking the actual next step in the process. Rather than only reading information on a screen or listening to someone present, the learner is getting the true feeling of doing the steps themselves, in a risk-free environment.

Webex Teams training click and learn

How are they built?

As mentioned above, WWT Adoption Services is a group of experts in training and development, and we're here to help you. We can design an interactive Click and Learn course using the most effective design tool in the industry. With over 15 years of combined industry experience, we'll design an interactive Click and Learn course structured around the OEM product or software you've purchased. Interactive Click and Learns courses are also designed with your company branding in mind. After peer reviews and reviews with you (the customer) are completed, the course is exported to a Learning Management System (LMS) friendly file for you to upload. The interactive Click and Learn course never expires.

Interactive Click and Learns courses enhance the learning environment

Interactive Click and Learn courses will allow your learners to explore their learning environment — in their own way and at their own pace. In this environment, learners will also be guided through completing the actual tasks themselves, a learning approach that can brings far better results than simply telling employees how to do it.

They're also built with a visual component in mind. The interactive Click and Learn course is meant to be eye-catching. This can be done by building virtual environments that learners are familiar with, like an office or warehouse. This allows learners to feel comfortable in this environment, which results in a better overall learning experience.

Risk-free environment

For learners navigating their way through an interactive Click and Learn course, failure is an option. Through the use of simulations or scenarios, learners are allowed to apply knowledge in a risk-free environment. We remove the anxiety of failure and allow users to freely explore and take paths to learn whether they're right or wrong. And when they choose, we are able to reinforce the decision through feedback. Once a choice is made, the learner receives feedback to help them recognize why the choice they made was right or wrong and build on that feedback. This feedback helps learners retain the knowledge and make the right decisions when they are in the real world.

Engaging the learner 

Interactive Click and Learns courses, through detailed and diligent work, can become something of a game. These types of gamification courses can consume the learner into the content it's teaching. The visuals become more vivid and the questions more thought-provoking. This, in turn, raises the level of engagement that would be extremely hard to achieve in a video or classroom based training. 

gamification example

Great return on investment

Studies have shown that when you're able to engage your learners to the level that an interactive Click and Learn course is capable, the retention of information is greater. Learners are able to recall information much easier. Just think back to your school days: which teachers did you retain more information from? The ones who were super engaging or the ones who nearly put you to sleep?

It's great that your employees will be engaged, and their retention rate will be higher, but none of that matters if the cost is too high. Luckily, you'll also see a significant cost reduction in not having to have an on-site trainer.

  • On-site training for 3 days can range from $5000-$10,000.
  • It can become even more expensive because classroom training has limitations: max attendees per session and availability of employees to attend training to name a few. There's a high likelihood that ALL employees won't be trained during these three days.

With an interactive Click and Learn course you won't have to worry about schedules or bringing trainer on-site multiple times.

  • An interactive Click and Learn course allows each employee to be trained at their own pace and their own schedule/availability.
  • Interactive Click and Learn courses allow for scalability, which means your new employees will receive the same training that your current employees did.

What else is there to say?

Interactive Click and Learn courses are the industry standard for teaching learners new skills. They allow learners to learn at a speed they're comfortable with. They can make mistakes and learn from them. All while enjoying themselves in engaging content. So if you're looking for a scalable training solution on a tight budget, an interactive Click and Learn course is your solution.

Get engaged

If this is a service you'd to invest in or perhaps just learn more about, please contact us. You can reach out to WWT Adoption Services and learn more about our services.