TEC37 Digital Workspace Series E09: Seamless Voice and Video for Virtual Care – Improving the patient and clinician experience
Event Overview
The global pandemic accelerated new care models in healthcare while exposing costs and outcome challenges. Delivering virtual healthcare - virtual visits between patients and practitioners - was implemented quickly and rough patches were exposed. As virtual care becomes a staple, it’s time to address and remediate common glitches with video and voice quality. This insightful discussion brings WWT’s senior healthcare advisor, collaboration consultant and unified communications partner, IR, together to discuss today’s tools to end the finger-pointing and deliver quality, seamless video and voice connections for both patients and clinicians.
What to expect
- Current obstacles in the seamless delivery of video and voice in telemedicine
- Ecosystem of unified communications (UC) tools we see today
- IR's capabilities for monitoring, identifying and remediating UC problems
- How to simplify and streamline what IT has to manage
- Key metrics and ROI
Goals and Objectives
This episode provides clarity on specific steps to prioritize to improve both the patient and clinician experience in delivering virtual health consultations. You'll walk away with an understanding of: - Current hurdles in delivery of virtual care - Tools are available to monitor and remediate issues in the delivery of voice and videoconferencing - How to get visibility into the quality of digital experiences - Key analytics that validate the ROI on tools like those from IR
Who should attend?
This event is most relevant to anyone with responsibility for delivering digital experiences and telehealth for patients and clinicians, including but not limited to the following roles: Chief (patient) Experience Officer, Chief Digital Officer, CIO, Employee Experience champions in IT and HR, Unified Communications and Collaboration specialists.