Cisco LIVE - Day THREE - The Art Of The Possible

Event Overview

Come meet our Enterprise Agreement (EA) & Whole Portfolio Agreement (WPA) Expert, as well as learn about the Veterans Affairs EA program. Located in the WWT lounge in the World of Solutions #12409-B.

What to expect

Learn how WWT can support you through your EA & WPA technology investment, including insight on:
  • Buying Models and ROI Evaluation
  • EA+ Methodology: WWT's proven approach to lifecycle support
  • Software & Maintenance management
  • Best practices for EA and WPA licensing hierarchy and provisioning
  • Customized adoption & utilization planning
  • Advanced services

Goals and Objectives

Take a guided tour through WWT’s Digital Platform & learn how can support your EA or WPA experience through digital onboarding & a customized community site!

Who should attend?

Any Cisco Live attendee interested in learning about Enterprise Agreements and Whole Portfolio Agreements as well as any attendee representing the Veterans Affairs.