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Rubrik Cyber Recovery
The Rubrik Cyber Recovery Fundamentals Learning Path will provide foundational knowledge to start on your Cyber Recovery journey with Rubrik. This Learning Path includes an introduction to Cyber Recovery fundamentals and how Rubrik goes beyond traditional data protection solutions to protect against cyber threats. There are video introductions to Rubrik Security Cloud and how you can use Rubrik Security Cloud to detect, respond to, and recovery from a ransomware event.
Learning Path
Rubrik Data Protection
The Rubrik Data Protection Fundamentals Learning Path will introduce you to the basic features and functionality of Rubrik. Learn about Rubrik's next-generation data management solution that goes beyond traditional data backups.
Learning Path
Rubrik Cyber Recovery
With cyberattacks increasing in frequency and sophistication, organizations face new challenges in protecting data. Legacy backup tools are more vulnerable than ever as attackers increasingly target backup data as part of their attacks. With Rubrik's comprehensive, modern solution to secure your data wherever it lives, organizations can be confident in their ability to recover from an attack while proactively gaining insight into threats and sensitive data.
Learning Path
Rubrik Data Protection
For those with a foundational understanding of Rubrik, this Learning Path will explore how Rubrik protects specific workloads such as Kubernetes, M365, and Microsoft Azure. This Learning Path also introduces Rubrik's Continous Data Protection and details how Rubrik uses SLA Domains to simplify data protection.
Learning Path