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Arista Ansible Automation Lab
This lab is designed to expose network engineers to Arista-oriented automation techniques. The focus is mid-level programmability leveraging CloudVision Portal, Ansible, Jinja2,and Python.
Advanced Configuration Lab
• 370 launches
Building Network Automation into Your Organization
An enterprise-wide automation framework must benefit the individual first. But how can this be accomplished within a large organization?
• Nov 6, 2024
Infrastructure Automation Source of Truth
The Infrastructure Automation Source of Truth learning path is designed to teach infrastructure engineers the critical concepts of managing data for their automation. This learning path will help you understand what a Source of Truth is and what considerations you account for when building your Source of Truth.
Following the Source of Truth overview, you will dive into two specific Source of Truth solutions: Text File-based Source of Truth and NetBox as a Source of Truth.
In the Text File SoT section, you will learn how to use a files-based source of truth in your automation effectively. This module will guide you through different methods of managing and consuming text files as a source of automation data.
The NetBox module is designed to teach you how to interface with NetBox as a source of truth for variable data and inventory.
The hands-on labs for file-based and NetBox SoT are packed with guided challenges to deliver practical practice for the concepts covered.
Learning Path
Windows Management With Ansible
To keep up with the growing speed of business demands, there's a pressing need to make programmability and automation an inherent part of operational IT processes. WWT offers hands-on Ansible Automation Training Labs to help customers learn how to get started using centralized automation tools to manage and deploy configurations.
Foundations Lab
• 551 launches
CICD for Automation Engineers
This lab is a component of the Infrastructure Automation Automated Testing learning path in the Infrastructure Automation with Ansible Learning Series. The goal of this learning path is to provide hands-on and practical exposure to the concepts of implementing Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery.
The lab will utilize Gitea as the Source Code Manager (SCM) which includes Gitea Actions for executing CICD Workflows. Gitea Actions map almost identically to GitHub actions so the Gitea specific knowledge gained maps directly to GitHub implementations. The general concepts learning through this lab are also valuable and applicable across other implementations.
Advanced Configuration Lab
• 67 launches
Achieve OWASP Compliance Through BIG-IP AWAF
Systems are at higher risk without a concerted, repeatable application security configuration process. In this lab, you will learn how to build a declarative AWAF policy and achieve OWASP Top Ten (2021) compliance with the BIG-IP OWASP Compliance Dashboard. A complete CI/CD pipeline is used to deploy our AWAF policy to the BIG-IP system using Application Services 3 Extension (AS3) and Ansible.
Advanced Configuration Lab
• 133 launches
Infrastructure Automation with Ansible
In today's complex and fast-paced IT landscape, the need for automation has never been greater. Organizations of all sizes are looking for solutions that can streamline their operations, enhance efficiency, and reduce errors. Ansible stands
out as a powerful automation tool, hitting the mark on several key points that make it an ideal choice for teams of all backgrounds and expertise levels.
Learning Path
A Year of Workshops: What We've Learned From Automation Envisioning
The Infrastructure Automation Envisioning Workshop fosters discussion of challenges, priorities and goals for organizations adopting automation. In this article we look at the common responses over the past year.
• Jul 22, 2022
A Systems Administrator's Introduction to Automation
Read about the journey of a data center systems administrator's entry into enterprise automation with Ansible.
• Mar 9, 2022
What Is "Model-Driven" Orchestration — And Why Would I Use It?
Learn the difference between "model-driven" orchestration and other methods, and when to apply it.
• Nov 4, 2020
Key Takeaways From Ansiblefest 2020
The week of October 12th was a busy week in virtual automation conferences. HashiConf, Cisco DevNet and AnsibleFest were going on at the same time. Here is a list of the key takeaways coming out of Ansiblefest.
• Nov 3, 2020
5 Things to Know About Ansible 2.10
The newest version of Ansible introduces some major changes. Here are the things you need to know now before moving to Ansible 2.10.
• Oct 27, 2020