Is your team happy with the employee experience at your organization?  A Gartner survey revealed that only 13% of employees are delighted with their overall experience with the company.

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The emerging workforce, comprised of Millennials and Gen Z, insists on outstanding Digital Employee Experiences (DEX). According to our 2023 Global Digital Employee Experience (DEX) Survey, 68% of individuals from these generations are inclined to switch to other employers if the DEX provided by their current workplace falls short.

In this age of digital natives, there is a heightened expectation for technology to seamlessly and efficiently cater to their needs. A subpar DEX hampers productivity and performance and can influence recruitment efforts and staff retention rates.

Aternity's full-spectrum digital experience management tool provides insight into the business impact of both the customer and employee digital experience by capturing and storing technical telemetry at scale, capturing data across employee devices, EVERY type of business application, cloud-native application services and end-user sentiment. With Aternity, IT can not only improve the employee experience for users who use mission-critical applications, but also improve employee happiness and customer satisfaction, reduce the cost of IT operations and improve business outcomes. 

Key features include:

  1. End User Experience Monitoring (EUEM):
    • Gain visibility into user interactions, response times and overall application performance.
    • Analyze how end-users experience and engage with applications. Unlike other EUEM solutions, Aternity monitors the actual end-user experience. It measures "click to render" for every type of app, including thick client apps, and correlates to device health and performance.
    • Visibility beyond traditional Real User Monitoring (RUM) by including operations that may not involve network activity.
  2. Monitoring flexibility:
    • Create custom activity monitors for their thick client and web applications.
    • Out-of-the-box application monitors for typical business applications.
    • Drive continuous service improvement with Aternity DXI, which provides a comparative analysis of how an organization's digital experience aligns with other companies in the industry. Aternity collects data from 4.5 million devices across hundreds of customers to provide valuable insights.
  3. User-first monitoring:
    • Prioritize and address performance issues from the end-user perspective.
    • Understand the impact of issues on user productivity.
  4. Device monitoring:
    • Holistically monitor device performance (endpoints) along with application performance.
    • Identify and resolve issues at various levels of the IT stack.
  5. Sentiment survey and analysis
    • Get the complete picture of the user experience. Aternity integrates sentiment surveys to collect user feedback on their digital experience. This qualitative data is correlated with quantitative performance data for early warning signals of emerging events and enables XLA transformation.
  6. Analytics and reporting:
    • Utilize analytics and reporting features to analyze performance trends. Aternity delivers deep analytics out of the box with predefined dashboards. Aternity data can be viewed in real-time and historically with no configuration and can be viewed across a day, week, month or year.
    • Make informed decisions for optimizing the IT environment based on metrics translated into real-world productivity savings.
  7. AI-driven incident prevention and proactive remediation
    • Continuously monitor end-user experience to identify and resolve performance issues proactively.
    • Mitigate potential impacts on users before they become significant.
    • Proactively resolve issues before they are raised as tickets. Aternity delivers logic-driven diagnostics and remediation for high-volume, recurring desktop issues before they are presented as tickets.
    • In an unresolved issue, a ticket is automated, created, assigned to the proper priority level, and routed to the right team with the necessary context for swift resolution.

Aternity Digital Experience Management (DEM) combines IT service benchmarking, End User Experience Management (EUEM), Application Performance Monitoring (APM), and Device Performance Monitoring (DPM) to provide insights into the actual experiences of employees using mission-critical applications.  

Below are several reasons why Aternity is a great option to consider: 

  • Productivity improvements
    • Streamline processes, reduce manual tasks and enhance access to information.
    • Identify hidden experience issues and minimize time spent calling the help desk.
  • Software license optimization:
    • Understand software deployment and usage to rationalize subscriptions.
    • Recognize savings by reclaiming and reducing unnecessary licenses.
  • Smart device refresh:
    • Extend device lifespan based on performance rather than age.
    • Right-size employee devices to meet actual needs, optimizing costs.
    • Drive as part of Sustainable IT initiatives
  • Intelligent automation (AIOps)
    • Resolve issues without human intervention before impacting issues - Aternity replicates advanced investigative processes by correlating end-user impact and real-time granular performance data to identify incident root causes. Aternity dynamically mimics expert decision-making through remediation workflows using composable actions. Its flexible logic resolves simple and complex issues.
  • Self-help:
    • Empower users with the Aternity self-help tool to resolve issues independently.
    • Reduce service desk tickets and associated costs through automation.
  • Continuous service improvement:
    • Improve the digital end-user experience by leveraging Aternity's health score.
    • Enhance user efficiency, reduce impacts and gain insights into IT estate health.
  • Improve customer experience
    • Get a complete view of the business impact of performance by correlating user journey analytics with performance data.
    • Insights into the digital experience of  the applications involved in the customer journey – from unique paths across digital services on the website to the business-critical applications used by employees.
  • Improve energy efficiency (sustainable IT)
    • Gain actionable insights to reduce the environmental impact of device usage with out-of-the-box dashboards and carbon emission metrics.
    • Heighten eco-awareness and encourage user behavior with energy efficiency remediation, automated inform messages, and sentiment surveys.
  • Talent attraction and retention:
    • Retain top talent by increasing employee empowerment over their digital experience and reducing hidden frustration.

A modern, user-friendly work environment can be a competitive advantage for your organization in a major way. To further explore Aternity's full-spectrum digital experience management, reach out to your WWT account team or contact us
