End User Computing (EUC) is constantly evolving with the demands of the end users and the demands of security. Recently Artificial Intelligence (AI) has stepped in as a new technology that has changed the game. In the realm of IT administration, this isn't just another industry buzzword—it's transforming how the administrators work and support the end users. AI in EUC is like adding a hyper-intelligent, tireless member to the team, one who works around the clock, predicting and solving problems before they escalate and sometimes before the end users even notice them. In that vein, AI is changing the game for EUC admins, turning everyday operations into a seamless service of efficiency and foresight. So how is this doing this you might ask. Well…

The proactive protector: Automated detection

In the fast-paced realm of EUC, detecting problems early is the holy grail of IT. The nirvana would be to discover the issues before the end users can open a trouble ticket. AI steps into this role effortlessly, constantly scanning the environment for anomalies that could indicate issues—from failing hardware to sluggish software responses. Imagine AI as a geostationary satellite overhead, ever watchful, ensuring that nothing disturbs the IT ecosystem's delicate balance. Look you'll always have issues but discovering them early and solving them quickly gives the end users the warm and fuzzies and earns the confidence of management. In fact, the longer AI is around the more it learns about the norms and anomalies allowing it to get smarter, more aware and faster to notify you of issues. This proactive approach reduces downtime and keeps end-user frustration at bay.

The fixer: Automated remediation

But what good is detecting problems without a timely fix? AI doesn't just raise the alarm—it swings into action. Automated remediation allows AI to apply fixes, perform updates, or reboot systems during off-peak hours, often before users even notice something is amiss. Imagine a world where a CVE (Common Vulnerability and Exposures) has been announced that could adversely affect the end users PCs. In this world, the AI becomes aware of the CVE, scans the PC fleet for vulnerabilities, catalogs those vulnerable machines, patches them and sends a report to the IT team so that they can review them. This capability is akin to having a mechanic who not only tells you your car's engine light is on but also repairs it while you sleep. For EUC admins, this means fewer emergency calls and more uninterrupted coffee breaks.

The resource whisperer: Dynamic resource allocation

Resource allocation within EUC, especially VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure), can be tricky. Too little, and you choke productivity; too much, and you waste valuable resources. AI optimizes this balancing act by dynamically adjusting resources based on real-time usage data and trends. It ensures that every application and process has just what it needs, just when it needs it, like a maestro conducting an orchestra—each section perfectly timed, no note too loud or too soft.

The UX connoisseur: Enhancing end-user experience

AI doesn't stop at the backend. It extends its capabilities directly to the end-user experience by learning individual preferences and adjusting interfaces and workflows to suit them. This personal touch can transform a standard software environment into a custom-tailored workspace, where everything from the layout to the load times is optimized for each user's style and needs.

The sentinel: Advanced security measures

With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated, AI's role in security is crucial. It acts as a sentinel, analyzing patterns to detect potential security breaches before they happen. By continuously learning what "normal" looks like, AI can spot deviations that might elude even the most experienced human eye, flagging them for review or taking preventative actions automatically. For instance, let's say that John always works from the office, but one day, John logs in from an IP address in Libya. Under normal circumstances the IT team and security teams may not notice this as they are monitoring thousands of desktops at any given time. AI acting as that sentinel can, as an example, alert the IT teams and force John to authenticate in a more secure manner using MFA (Multi-factor authentication), where he usually uses just a username and password. If John fails this authentication, the AI can revoke access to the VPN and lock the PC from access.

The oracle: Predictive analytics for system health

Finally, AI's predictive analytics capabilities give EUC admins a glimpse into the future of their IT environment. By analyzing historical data and current performance metrics, AI can forecast potential system failures, software crashes, and even user behavior trends. This foresight allows admins to schedule maintenance and upgrades strategically, avoiding the disruption of critical business processes.

Major players: Who is providing the best EUC AI software

Omnissa Workspace ONE Intelligence 

Omnissa Workspace One Intelligence integrates AI and machine learning to automate IT processes, enhance security and improve operational efficiency. It provides insights into app performance, user behavior and device health, helping IT to proactively address issues before they impact the user experience.

Citrix Analytics for Performance

Citrix uses AI to monitor and analyze user interactions within its environment. This helps detect anomalies, assess user experience scores, and optimize the performance of virtual applications and desktops.

Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Intune + Configuration Manager)

Microsoft utilizes AI to provide insights and automate tasks in endpoint management, enhancing security and user productivity. It offers advanced threat protection, anomaly detection and automated compliance assessments.


Riverbed uses AI to enhance its network performance and digital experience management solutions. Through AI-driven analytics, the company helps organizations optimize network performance, identify and resolve issues faster, and improve overall user experience. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, Riverbed's tools can predict network behaviors, automate troubleshooting, and provide actionable insights, helping businesses enhance efficiency and minimize downtime.

Cisco Meraki

Known for its cloud-managed IT solutions, Cisco Meraki uses AI to provide powerful insights into network performance, user behavior, and device management. It helps administrators optimize their networks and improve the end-user experience with minimal manual intervention.

SysTrack by Lakeside Software

SysTrack employs AI for IT asset management and end-user behavior analytics. It provides data-driven insights to improve user engagement, optimize performance, and automate complex IT tasks.


Nexthink utilizes AI to deliver digital employee experience management solutions. It offers real-time analytics, automation, and remediation tools to help IT teams proactively solve issues and enhance the digital workplace.


Dynatrace uses AI for application performance monitoring and management. It provides full-stack monitoring, from the application down to the infrastructure layer, helping EUC admins to pinpoint and resolve issues quickly.

AppDynamics (Cisco)

AppDynamics leverages AI to monitor application performance and user interactions, providing real-time insights into application behavior and network conditions to optimize the end-user experience in complex EUC environments.

Conclusion: AI, the unsung hero of EUC

AI in EUC land is the unsung hero working behind the scenes, ensuring that the digital workspace is not only functional but also forward-thinking. For EUC admins, AI integration isn't just about easing the workload or cutting costs—it's about ushering in a new era of IT management where technology doesn't just support the business but propels it forward. As we continue to navigate the complexities of digital environments, AI stands ready, a steadfast ally to EUC admins and end users alike. So here's to AI in EUC: more than just another acronym, it's a fundamental shift in how we view and manage the digital workspace.

More resources on the impact of AI on EUC

If you would like to learn more about the impact that AI is having in End-User Computing (EUC), check out these other articles in this series:

