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4 results found
Application Development Discovery Workshop
We have compressed and packaged our agile expertise into a 4-hour, 2-part Agile Application Development Discovery Workshop. This workshop is designed specifically for executive or senior leaders who want to learn how to truly leverage agile principles to achieve maximum control and maximum return on their software investments.
• 4 hrs
Customer Experience Transformation Workshop
What if you could open new opportunity streams and forge seamless relationships with your clients? Connect with WWT's Digital Advisors for a half to full-day workshop in which we'll help you identify how to meet and exceed the continuously changing needs of constituents, from customers to patients, fans or students, as well as your employees. Request this workshop to help you uncover opportunities to anticipate and address these needs by applying innovation expertise, design thinking best practices, and digital technology to your business models.
• 8 hrs
• 4 hrs
Path to Production Workshop
Organizations must deploy changes more frequently in an automated and predictable way to meet the market's current demands. Modern application delivery practices provide the ability to get new features, configuration changes, bug fixes and experiments into production with speed, safety and stability.
• 8 hrs